I am – Daily affirmations

Download I am – Daily affirmations apk

Monkey Taps LLC

for Android 8.0 +
152.19 MB
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App updated to the latest version 4.69.0.

I am – Daily affirmations is a unique application designed to help organize thoughts, control them, and foster a positive mindset. For those burdened by negative thinking patterns, affirmations offer a pathway to dispel negativity, alter habitual thought processes, and boost self-esteem. With a plethora of affirmations available within the app, users can select statements that resonate with their daily moods and aspirations.

Affirmations, succinct positive statements suitable for self-suggestion, facilitate the alignment of the conscious and subconscious mind. Through this practice, individuals can cultivate beliefs in line with their aspirations. Offering a daily affirmation selection with reminders ensures consistent reinforcement throughout the day, preventing forgetfulness.

Practical experience underscores the value of daily affirmations as an integral part of morning rituals, fostering a mindset conducive to overcoming challenges. Strengthening the connection between conscious and unconscious thought processes enhances resilience, enabling individuals to navigate adversity more effectively.

By downloading I am – Daily affirmations users unlock a realm of possibilities, fortify self-belief, and acquire the momentum to pursue their goals relentlessly. Affirmations serve as daily prompts, directing attention toward positive outcomes, thereby enriching each day with a sense of purpose and possibility.

Additional Information:
Package Name com.hrd.iam
License free application
Updated Dec 16, 2024
Installs 8.4 M+
Developer Monkey Taps LLC

Requires Android 8.0 (Oreo) or later. Compatible with smarphones and tablet using an (universal) processor.

Simple and Safe!

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(224.1 K+)
Is I am – Daily affirmations free?

Yes, I am – Daily affirmations is free to download and run on mobile devices. However, you may need to make in-app purchases for virtual items and currency.

Where can I download the I am – Daily affirmations mobile app?

You can download the latest version of I am – Daily affirmations for Android from SimplyAPK.

How do I install the I am – Daily affirmations app?

You will probably need to enable 'Install from unknown sources' in your Android settings. Locate the downloaded APK file and tap it to start the installation process. For certain file types (e.g. XAPK), you may need a dedicated APK installer application (such as SAI or XAPK Installer).

How can I check the security of a downloaded APK file?

You can use a virus scanning service such as VirusTotal. Upload the APK file to VirusTotal and check the scan results before installing.

How do I update the I am – Daily affirmations app without losing my progress?

Simply download the latest version of the I am – Daily affirmations APK. Installing the new APK over the old one will update the app, preserving your game progress and data. There is no need to uninstall the previous version.

How do I install I am – Daily affirmations on a PC/Windows or Mac?

To run I am – Daily affirmations on a computer, you need to use an Android emulator such as Bluestacks, NoxPlayer or LDPlayer.