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Download Bolt apk

Bolt Technology

5.0 +
Ver.: CA.123.0
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App updated to the latest version CA.123.0.
Category: Maps & Navigation

The ride-hailing and food delivery landscape has seen significant growth in recent years, with various players entering the market to provide convenient services to urban dwellers. Among these contenders, the Bolt app stands out as a versatile solution for both transportation and meal delivery needs.

Upon downloading and installing the application from the Google Play Store, users are greeted with a clean, intuitive interface. The app’s design prioritizes ease of use, allowing even first-time users to quickly navigate its features. The home screen presents two primary options: ride-hailing and food delivery, making it simple to choose the desired service.

For those seeking transportation, the ride-booking process is straightforward. Users can input their destination, view estimated fares, and select from various vehicle options, including economy, comfort, and electric cars. The app’s map integration provides real-time tracking of nearby drivers, giving users an accurate estimation of wait times.

One notable feature is the ability to schedule rides in advance, which proves particularly useful for planning airport trips or important appointments. The app also offers a safety button, allowing users to share their trip details with trusted contacts, enhancing peace of mind during late-night rides.

On the food delivery front, Bolt offers a diverse array of restaurant options. The browsing experience is smooth, with restaurants categorized by cuisine type, price range, and delivery time. Users can easily view menus, customize orders, and track their food’s journey from the kitchen to their doorstep.

A standout aspect of the Bolt app is its commitment to affordability. The platform frequently offers promotions and discounts, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious users. Additionally, the app’s loyalty program rewards frequent users with points that can be redeemed for future rides or meal deliveries.

Payment options are varied and secure, accommodating credit cards, mobile wallets, and in some regions, cash payments. The app also supports splitting fares for shared rides, a handy feature for group outings.

While the Bolt application excels in many areas, it’s not without its shortcomings. Some users have reported occasional glitches in the GPS tracking, leading to confusion between drivers and passengers. Additionally, the availability and quality of service can vary significantly depending on the user’s location, with smaller cities sometimes experiencing longer wait times or limited food delivery options.

Customer support is accessible through the app, but response times can be slow during peak hours. However, the in-app rating system for both drivers and restaurants helps maintain service quality and allows users to make informed choices.

In conclusion, the Bolt app offers a comprehensive solution for urban mobility and food delivery needs. Its user-friendly interface, competitive pricing, and dual functionality make it a strong contender in the market. While there’s room for improvement in certain areas, the app’s overall performance and continuous updates suggest a commitment to enhancing user experience. For those seeking a reliable and affordable option for rides and meals, this application is certainly worth considering.

Additional Information:
Google Play Package Name ee.mtakso.client
Price $0.00 (free application)
Updated Jul 12, 2024
Installs 109.6 M+
Developer Bolt Technology

Requires Android 5.0 or newer, mobile phone or tablet with ARM64 or ARM32 or x86_64 or x86 CPU.

Simple and Safe!

Our site allows you to download Bolt app (.apk) - original without MOD, fast and safe. There are no viruses or need for registration here.

How do I update the application without losing any progress/save?

Install the new file over the previous one without uninstalling. It will upgrade to the new version and all your progress will be saved!

(52 K+)