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Download Hungerstation rider apk

HungerStation Care

6.0 +
Ver.: v4.2428.3
Download Now (124.89 MB)
App updated to the latest version v4.2428.3.
Category: Tools

This application facilitates order delivery for HungerStation riders to customer locations, including homes and workplaces. We operate with restaurants, shops, bakeries, pharmacies, supermarkets, and flower shops in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. The app significantly contributes to increasing riders’ monthly income.

Key Features:

  • Free Application: Users can download and utilize the app at no cost throughout the day.
  • Performance-Based Earnings: Earnings correlate directly with the number of completed deliveries.
  • Flexible Schedule: Riders can open the app and start earning money whenever they choose to deliver orders.

Hungerstation rider empowers riders to maximize their earning potential while maintaining schedule flexibility.

Additional Information:
Google Play Package Name com.logistics.rider.hungerstation
Price $0.00 (free application)
Updated Jul 19, 2024
Installs 753.8 K+
Developer HungerStation Care

Requires Android 6.0 or newer, mobile phone or tablet with ARM64 or ARM32 or x86_64 CPU.

Simple and Safe!

Our site allows you to download Hungerstation rider app (.apk) - original without MOD, fast and safe. There are no viruses or need for registration here.

How do I update the application without losing any progress/save?

Install the new file over the previous one without uninstalling. It will upgrade to the new version and all your progress will be saved!

(79.5 K+)