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Download Falou – Fast language learning apk


6.0 +
Ver.: 0.0.81
Download Now (78.64 MB)
App updated to the latest version 0.0.81.
Category: Education

Looking to learn a language quickly? Falou – Fast language learning offers innovative language lessons trusted by millions of students worldwide. With practical, real-life conversations, AI-enhanced pronunciation training, and lessons created by native speakers, Falou ensures rapid language acquisition. Whether it’s Spanish, French, English, or any of the 17+ languages available, Falou helps you achieve fluency from Lesson 1.

Falou’s lessons simulate real-life situations like ordering food, booking hotels, or job interviews, ensuring practical language use. With 20 languages to choose from, including English, Spanish, French, and more, Falou caters to diverse learning needs. Whether you’re traveling, studying abroad, or enhancing your career prospects, Falou accelerates your language learning journey.

Compatible with other language apps like Duolingo or Rosetta Stone, Falou – Fast language learning complements existing language studies, offering a faster path to proficiency. Download Falou today and start speaking a new language confidently!

Additional Information:
Google Play Package Name com.moymer.falou
Price $0.00 (free application)
Updated Jun 11, 2024
Installs 10.2 M+
Developer Moymer

Requires Android 6.0 or newer, mobile phone or tablet with ARM64 or ARM32 or x86_64 or x86 CPU.

Simple and Safe!

Our site allows you to download Falou - Fast language learning app (.apk) - original without MOD, fast and safe. There are no viruses or need for registration here.

How do I update the application without losing any progress/save?

Install the new file over the previous one without uninstalling. It will upgrade to the new version and all your progress will be saved!

(675.6 K+)