Karaoke WeSing

Download Karaoke WeSing apk

Tencent Music Entertainment Hong Kong Limited

for Android 5.0 +
65.93 MB
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App updated to the latest version

Karaoke WeSing is a free mobile karaoke app that allows users to sing cover songs while engaging in other activities. With over 50 million users, it offers a platform for singing with friends and interacting within the community. Users can create video clips with various visual and acoustic effects, edit and share audio and video files, and discover new music through keyword searches. The app also features a music editor for fine-tuning sound quality.

With a collection of over 6 million songs and 100 million users globally, Karaoke WeSing offers a diverse range of features for karaoke enthusiasts. Users can solo, duet with friends or celebrities, or join karaoke party rooms. The app provides high-quality backing music and rolling lyrics for a concert-like experience. Additionally, users can record and edit karaoke videos with voice effects and video filters to enhance their performances and gain recognition.

Karaoke WeSing fosters a vibrant music community where users can showcase their talent, connect with like-minded individuals, and participate in interactive music activities such as duet challenges and live streaming. Whether users are singing alone, with friends, or in a virtual party room, Karaoke WeSing offers a dynamic platform for music lovers to express themselves and engage with others.

Additional Information:
Package Name com.tencent.wesing
License free application
Updated Dec 8, 2024
Installs 114.5 M+
Developer Tencent Music Entertainment Hong Kong Limited

Requires Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or later. Compatible with smarphones and tablet using an (universal) processor.

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(1.1 M+)
Is Karaoke WeSing free?

Yes, Karaoke WeSing is free to download and run on mobile devices. However, you may need to make in-app purchases for virtual items and currency.

Where can I download the Karaoke WeSing mobile app?

You can download the latest version of Karaoke WeSing for Android from SimplyAPK.

How do I install the Karaoke WeSing app?

You will probably need to enable 'Install from unknown sources' in your Android settings. Locate the downloaded APK file and tap it to start the installation process. For certain file types (e.g. XAPK), you may need a dedicated APK installer application (such as SAI or XAPK Installer).

How can I check the security of a downloaded APK file?

You can use a virus scanning service such as VirusTotal. Upload the APK file to VirusTotal and check the scan results before installing.

How do I update the Karaoke WeSing app without losing my progress?

Simply download the latest version of the Karaoke WeSing APK. Installing the new APK over the old one will update the app, preserving your game progress and data. There is no need to uninstall the previous version.

How do I install Karaoke WeSing on a PC/Windows or Mac?

To run Karaoke WeSing on a computer, you need to use an Android emulator such as Bluestacks, NoxPlayer or LDPlayer.