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Download Game of Sultans apk

DreamPlus Games

5.0 +
Ver.: 6.003
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App updated to the latest version 6.003.

Game of Sultans presents an immersive RPG experience set in the Ottoman Empire, offering real-time gameplay dynamics. Players assume the role of a Sultan, tasked with expanding their empire, managing political alliances, and navigating royal affairs amidst medieval warfare.

Key Actions:

As Sultan, players control the Ottoman Empire, strategically expanding territorial dominion and political influence. This involves either conquering neighboring realms through military might or forging alliances through diplomatic negotiations.

Furthermore, players must cultivate a harem, selecting companions with political sway to maintain stability and influence within the empire. The multiplayer aspect introduces mass PvP battles between player alliances, emphasizing the importance of military prowess.

While the listed Laws of History provide foundational principles, players must adapt and evolve their strategies to ensure the empire’s success and growth.


Embark on romantic encounters, manage heirs and pets, and adorn yourself in exclusive attire as Sultan or Sultanah. Customize character images and recruit elite warriors to bolster the empire’s strength.

Engage in daily events and minigames, teaming up with friends or competing for supremacy. Form alliances with players worldwide, conquer territories, and ascend the ranks through VIP rewards.

With its blend of strategic gameplay, romance, and empire management, Game of Sultans offers a compelling journey through the golden age of the Ottoman Empire.

Additional Information:
Google Play Package Name com.dc.hwsj
Price $0.00 (free application)
Updated Aug 20, 2024
Installs 36.8 M+
Developer DreamPlus Games

Requires Android 5.0 or newer, mobile phone or tablet with ARM64 or ARM32 CPU.

Simple and Safe!

Our site allows you to download Game of Sultans game (.apk) - original without MOD, fast and safe. There are no viruses or need for registration here.

How do I update the application without losing any progress/save?

Install the new file over the previous one without uninstalling. It will upgrade to the new version and all your progress will be saved!

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