Facemoji AI Emoji Keyboard Icon

Download Facemoji AI Emoji Keyboard apk


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Category: Personalization

Facemoji AI Emoji Keyboard is a keyboard designed to enhance communication by adding emotions through emojis. It offers a collection of over 3,500 graphical elements, including animated GIFs, emojis, and stickers, usable across various platforms such as browsers, messengers, and social media apps like Messenger, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Key features include free access to all graphical elements, the ability to enhance communication with emojis anywhere text is present, and support for multiple languages including English, French, German, and Russian. Additionally, users can customize the keyboard interface with themes, background images, fonts, and touch animations, making it personalized and unique.

The intelligent input feature suggests contextually relevant words, corrects spelling errors, punctuates text, and replaces words with emojis, allowing users to amplify or diminish the emotional content of their messages. Furthermore, Facemoji AI Emoji Keyboard prioritizes user privacy and security, ensuring that no personal or business data is collected or shared with third parties without explicit consent.

Additional Information:
Google Play Package Name com.simejikeyboard
Price $0.00 (free application)
Updated Jul 9, 2024
Installs 192.1 M+

Requires Android 5.0 or newer, mobile phone or tablet with ARM64 or ARM32 CPU.

Simple and Safe!

Our site allows you to download Facemoji AI Emoji Keyboard app (.apk) - original without MOD, fast and safe. There are no viruses or need for registration here.

How do I update the application without losing any progress/save?

Install the new file over the previous one without uninstalling. It will upgrade to the new version and all your progress will be saved!

(1.3 M+)