Empires & Puzzles: Match-3 RPG Icon

Download Empires & Puzzles: Match-3 RPG apk

Small Giant Games

5.1 +
Ver.: 68.0.4
Download Now (174.38 MB)
App updated to the latest version 68.0.4.

Empires & Puzzles: Match-3 RPG is a unique combat unit formed by royal decree in the dawn of the Middle Ages to combat the evil forces emerging from the depths of Hell. In this fantastical universe, underground warriors have emerged, wreaking havoc on peaceful settlements, burning villages, and spreading death and destruction. However, hope remains as humanity rallies to send these malevolent forces back to the underworld by assembling skilled and loyal warriors to battle the enemy.

Conceptually, Empires & Puzzles: Match-3 RPG by Small Giant Games is a standard match-3 puzzle game with elements of strategy. Players strategically combine colored elements to eliminate them from the field, earning points to attack enemies effectively. The key is to follow the plan for each stage, assembling the right allies and continuously improving battle technologies. The game offers a captivating blend of role-playing elements and logic puzzles, with increasing difficulty levels and stunning graphics enhanced by dazzling special effects.

For fans of role-playing and match-3 puzzle games, installing Empires & Puzzles: Match-3 RPG is a must. The well-established mechanics undergo a remarkable transformation, offering exhilarating victories on the battlefield and thrilling encounters with powerful bosses. The game’s difficulty naturally increases with each level, but purchasing quality equipment and equipping fighters with impressive abilities helps players stay ahead. Additionally, the exciting PVP duels add another layer of excitement to the game, providing a challenge to aspire to.

Additional Information:
Google Play Package Name com.smallgiantgames.empires
Price $0.00 (free application)
Updated Jul 22, 2024
Installs 71 M+
Developer Small Giant Games

Requires Android 5.1 or newer, mobile phone or tablet with ARM64 or ARM32 CPU.

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Our site allows you to download Empires & Puzzles: Match-3 RPG game (.apk) - original without MOD, fast and safe. There are no viruses or need for registration here.

How do I update the application without losing any progress/save?

Install the new file over the previous one without uninstalling. It will upgrade to the new version and all your progress will be saved!

(2.2 M+)